Component: “Scholarship Support for Roma Students Enrolled in Medical Studies”

Implemented in: Bulgaria

Program: Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria

Lead organisation: Trust for Social Achievement Foundation

Partner: no

The aim of the scholarship program is to form a community of health professionals motivated and prepared to contribute to solving health problems in the Roma community and with the potential to become meaningful role models for Roma youth. The scholarship program started in the 2018/2019 academic year and is designed to last for six years. During this period, it is envisaged that about 270 annual scholarships will be awarded, each worth between EUR 2350 and EUR 2650, depending on the applicants’ areas of study.

Grant amount: 680 000 EUR

Contact: Aylin Dzhafer
phone: +359 2 424 6680
address:  64 Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

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