Building and maintaining trust in vaccines and vaccination in Roma communities

The discussion was held online on June 14, 2022.

During the discussion Open Society Institute – Sofia has presented the report: “Attitudes towards vaccines and vaccination against Covid-19 in five Roma communities in Bulgaria” The following topics were discussed 1) Measures and specific activities (steps) to maintain and (build) trust in existing vaccines, vaccination which is recommended and encouraged by health authorities and 2) Campaign to build trust and promote healthy behavior.

The discussion is the first of a series of thematic expert meetings within – a joint initiative of the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria and the National Focal Point for presenting, sharing, and discussing results of projects in favor of Roma inclusion, funded by Financial Mechanism programs of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The initiative is open for cooperation with program operators and other beneficiary countries under the EEA FM and the IMF.

Expected product of the discussion that will be published: A set of guidelines (rules), measures, and activities for the campaigns for building trust in the field of health care and the promotion of healthy behavior.

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