Project: “One approach – many solutions. Model for integrated development (MID) in Samokov”
Implemented in: Samokov Municipality, Republic of Bulgaria
Program: “Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups”
Implementation period: 11.04.2022 – 11.04.2024
Lead organisation: Samokov Municipality, Republic of Bulgaria.
Partners: Health and Social Development Foundation (HESED); Seed Foundation – Samokov; Bulgarian-Norwegian Association (BNF)
Project summary:
The project aims to provide opportunities to support the successful realization and social adaptation of the residents of the Roma neighborhood in the town. It envisages the implementation of a model for integrated development (MID) of the individual and the community, which is based on the life cycle of the person and the tasks he must solve at every stage of life: from early childhood to adulthood, developed by the Health and Social Development” Foundation (HESED). The activities will cover over 10% of the population of the Roma neighborhood in the town. The project is based on a needs analysis, which covers 7 areas: access to health care, access to education, access to employment, access to social services, access to rights and anti-discrimination.
The project envisages the establishment of a MID center located near the neighborhood, providing functionally related services for Roma empowerment and successful integration in all spheres of social life, active outreach work within the isolated community in order to activate it for change, active work with local institutions and capacity building of the professional community to work in a multiethnic environment. The project also envisages a set of information measures and events to change attitudes towards the Roma community, joint events and various information campaigns. All activities in the project are planned in accordance with the 10 General Basic Principles for Roma Inclusion (Prague, 2009). It is planned to develop a strategy for the development of services and improvement of the situation of the Roma in the town of Samokov in the next 5 years. Activities are also planned to exchange experiences and improve bilateral relations with Norway.
Grant amount: 1 000 000 EUR
Contact: Krasimira Kostadinova
phone: +359 886 777682
address: 200 Samokov, Bulgaria, 34, Makedonia Str.
Discussion meeting with youth from Samokov, 17.08.2022. Topic: „Fake News“.