Project: “Introduction of integrated measures in support of vulnerable groups in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo”

Implemented in: The project will be implemented in Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo municipalities, Republic of Bulgaria

Program: “Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups”

Implementation period: 11.04.2022 – 11.04.2024

Lead organisation: Smyadovo Municipality, Republic of Bulgaria

Partners: Vetrino Municipality; Bolyarovo Municipality; Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe”; Association “Health, Culture, Self-Esteem, Integrated Sustainable Development”; Norwegian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce

Project summary:
The project foresees the development of a complex of integrated services provided by multidisciplinary teams in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo in order to improve the situation and increase opportunities for social inclusion and development of the potential of local Roma communities. It is planned to provide a number of specialized services aimed at empowerment; personal development and training; career counseling and realization on the labor market; social rehabilitation and integration; provision of integrated health and social services; psychological support, legal assistance and counseling, etc. of persons from the vulnerable groups in the three municipalities. Conducting motivational, professional and specialized trainings and providing subsidized employment to people, representatives of the Roma community / target groups in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo. Organizing and conducting surveys in order to establish the level of acceptance of the Roma by the general population in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo. The project envisages expanding the capacity of local institutions providing various primary services in the three municipalities, in order to effectively coordinate and work together to manage individual cases. Launch of a procedure for development and approval of the regulation under the Spatial Planning Act in the places with concentrated Roma population in the municipalities of Smyadovo and Vetrino. Development of a Strategy for the development of services in the three municipalities for a 5-year period after the completion of the project. There are also activities for communication and awareness, empowerment and development of the community, organizing and conducting information campaigns to overcome discrimination and negative attitudes against the Roma population in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrino and Bolyarovo.

Grant amount: 750 000 EUR

Contact: Dimitrina Marinova
phone: +359 887 799676
address: 9820 Smyadovo, Bulgaria, 2 Kniaz Boris I Square

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