Project: “Youth Theatre against Hate Network Development”
Project status: completed
Implemented in: Kuystendil, Gabrovo, Burgas, Sofia
Program: Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria, output: ✔ Development or maintenance of platforms and networks between civil society organizations
Implementation period: 24.10.2019 – 24.07.2022
Project Promoter: Association Debyut
Partners: Delphi Association for Strategic Management; Bilitis Resource Center Foundation; “Hristo Smirnenski 1949” Community Cultural Center
Summary and results:
The project general objective was to develop a network of organizations working with young people and to increase their capacity for using a model of work for overcoming conflicts and for developing critical thinking in youths through theatre methods. It aimed at capacity development of more than 20 non-governmental organizations from 4 regions of the country to apply innovative models for empowering youths, cultivating democratic values in young people and overcoming hatred towards marginalized groups.
The project was implemented in partnership of four organizations from different parts the country, working with youths and developing interactive activities (theatre, debates, festivals, etc.). Within the project, each of the partners focused its activity on the respective vulnerable group: Roma people, LGBTI, migrants, and drug addicts. The result is enriched methodology named Youth Theatre against Hatred and based on the experience of the leading organization Debut Association – Kyustendil, promoted through the developed four video lessons ( As a result of the methodology a guidebook for educators and theatre groups facilitators – named Theatre Etudes against Hatred – was developed and published online (, comprising of 12 case studies to be used as a ground for theatre etudes’ scenarios. The case studies are based on real stories of young people from the vulnerable groups. These main project products were disseminated through organizing and conducting of 12 two-day workshops in the four partner regions – Kyustendil, Sofia, Gabrovo, and Burgas, and the Youth Theatre against Hatred Interactive Forum at the end of the project.
Grant amount: 77 526 EUR
Contact: Lozen Yordanov
phone: +359 882 885 353
address: Bulgaria, Kuystendil 2500, bul. Bulgaria 26А
Project website: