Project: „Children Path“
Project status: ongoing
Implemented in: Sofia
Program: Justice
Implementation period: 05.08.2022 – 05.08.2023
Project Promoter: Association of the prosecutors in Bulgaria
Partners: Foundation “Development of the North-west Bulgaria”
Project goals: Development and implementation of effective integrated approaches aimed at improving the status of children from the Roma community in contact with the law and victims of domestic violence; Introducing a new service for working with children from the Roma community, victims or witnesses of crime, in conflict with the law, vulnerable children from the Roma community, victims or witnesses of crime or children in conflict with the law; Building a comprehensive system of partnership and cooperation between the representatives of the institutions, upgrading and supplementing the existing Coordination Mechanism and forming teams for multi-sector cooperation; Supporting professionals in their work with child victims or at risk of violence by updating and improving their knowledge, competences, styles and working practices in a way that meets the special needs and best interests of children and in line with national, European and international legislation and standards; Deepening the cooperation between the institutions and the Roma formal and informal organizations, structures and communities in the interest of overcoming the existing problems and the prevention of violence and criminal events related to children.
Expected results: Prepared Manual of the “Children’s Trail” service; Printed Methodology and handbook for working with children for frontline professionals; Developed and printed teaching materials; Introduction of a new specialized service aimed at children at risk, victims or witnesses of crimes with a special focus on children from the Roma community; Conducted trainings and seminars; Publicity measures implemented.
Grant amount: 175 383,34 EUR
Contact: Vladimir Nikolov
phone: +359 886743775
address: Pleven, 25 Dimitar Konstantinov Str.