Project: „Capacity building and awareness on domestic and gender-based violence in the South Central Region“

Project status: ongoing

Implemented in: South Central Region of Bulgaria

Program: Justice

Implementation period: 26.09.2022 – 26.04.2024

Project Promoter: Union for Bulgaria, Association

Partners: Municipality of Strelcha;Multi Level Consulting; SUPRAS AS, Norway

The goal of the project is to increase the capacity of Bulgarian local authorities in the field of domestic violence and gender-based violence. The project supports the development and introduction of an effective integrated approach aimed at improving the status and opportunities of victims of domestic and gender-based violence.

The expected results are: Conducted studies and prepared reports for each of the selected municipalities in the South Central Region; Handbook “Good practices in the protection of women and children who have experienced domestic violence and gender-based violence, with an emphasis on the Roma community”; Created training programs; Conducted trainings for each of the selected municipalities in the South Central Region; Creation of a pilot center “You are not alone”; Publicity measures implemented.

Grant amount: 199 707,64 EUR

Contact: Kamelia Simeonova
phone: +359 898669852
address: Sofia, 3 Ivan Denkoglu str.

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