Project: “The cultural world reaches everyone”
Project status: ongoing
Implemented in: The town of Ignatievo, the village of Sindel
Program: Cultural entrepreneurship, heritage and cooperation
Implementation period: 13.02.2023 – 30.04.2024
Project Promoter: Association Our World
Partners: Secondary School “Saint Saint Kiril and Metodii”, Ignatievo; Secondary School “Saint Saint Kiril and Metodii”, Sindel
The main goal of the project is related to informing about the cultural values of the Roma population in two small settlements in the Varna region – the village of Sindel and the town of Ignatievo, where they make up 90% of the population. The collaboration of professional artists with Roma youth, through the means of the arts, achieves the goal of social, cultural and ethnic rapprochement. Mutual understanding between the majority and the ethnic minority is improved, respecting the right to identity, self-awareness and culture regardless of place of residence, origin and social status. The aim of the project activities is to inform and provide access to professional art and culture of ethnicities and to provide young Roma with an opportunity to experience and benefit from their own cultural resources.
The project envisages the formation of five creative studios in each settlement. These will include: theatre, oratory and poetry, music and stage dance, design and scenography, photography and applied arts. Participants in the workshops will learn various techniques and materials to prepare for stage sets, costumes, recitation of poems, theater sketches, solfege, ethnic and folk songs.
There are also: a traveling festival, a performative show “I am – I can”, an audio-visual exhibition, a conference on the topic “Identity and audiences: the cultural world reaches everyone”. There are also: a traveling festival, a performative show “I am – I can”, an audio-visual exhibition, a conference on the topic “Identity and audiences: the cultural world reaches everyone”. The two schools in Sindel and Ignatievo will be equipped with school radios. Young people will be trained in media culture, they will come into close contact with the work of established journalists and sound producers.
Grant amount: 70,085.85 EUR
Contact: Iva Paneva
phone: +359 52656740
address: Varna, 9000, Prespa str. 1
05/04/2023 Students from 8th to 12th grade have the opportunity to study Photo and Video shooting, both with a camera and with a drone.

Participants in the Design, scenography and applied arts studio from the school in the city of Ignatievo took part in the action to refresh the exterior of the school. They were joined by the participants in a photography workshop, and the photos are their work. The workshops were formed as part of the project.

Creative atmosphere in the “Making of costumes, decor and applied arts” studio in “St. Cyril and Methodius” SU, Sinde village.