Project: “Youth Center Plovdiv – A powerful factor for local development”
Implemented in: Plovdiv
Program: “Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups”
Implementation period: 01.07.2020 – 30.06.2023
Lead organisation: Plovdiv Municipality, Republic of Bulgaria
Partners: Research and Communications Fund, Sofia; Norsensus Mediaforum, Norway
Project summary:
The main focus of the project is expanding the scope of activities of the Youth Center-Plovdiv and increasing the diversity of the services offered by it to young people up to the age of 29, while at the same time broadening the target group by involving representatives beyond this group, incl. persons from vulnerable communities. The functioning of the upgraded services of YC will be ensured by the envisaged team of highly qualified specialists: 5 youth workers and 2 mediators, who will guarantee the quality of the customer service and the appropriate provision of the new youth services. The set of measures planned for the new YC programs, which will now also take place in the settlements close to Plovdiv, are aimed at: expanding the scope of existing services, introducing innovative and mobile services, conducting a range of additional non-formal trainings, developing a set of activities with the community and representatives of groups other than young people (children, parents, etc.), active work with disadvantaged groups/communities. The expected results from the project activities’ implementation are: improving the access of young people to the services of the YC; enhancing the socio-economic development of less developed municipalities; improving co-operation and relations with donor countries; upgrading the activities of the YC; activating the participation of youth and persons outside this group in the activities of the YC; increasing the capacity of YC employees- youth workers, mediators, etc.; providing innovative and upgraded services to attract and socially involve young people, incl. people from vulnerable groups, etc. Through the implementation of this project supported by FM of the EEA Grants 2014-2021, Plovdiv Municipality will continue its successful actions towards creating an educational and social environment which is modern, favorable and open to the youth, tailored to their needs and the requirements of the 21st century. The stated objectives will be achieved by the implementation of the following consecutive tasks, namely: 1. Implementation of upgrading interventions for optimization and completion of the material and technical base of the Youth Center Plovdiv; 2. Provision of highly qualified and trained staff of the Youth Center who to provide consumer services – 5 youth workers and 2 educational mediators; 3. Development of a package of new and innovative services for young people and users of the Center; 4. Expanding the territorial scope of the activities of Youth Center Plovdiv through mobile work of the youth teams in the settlements close to the City of Plovdiv; 5. Implementation of initiatives related to the National Network of YCs; 6. Strengthening the bilateral relations with donor countries and exchange of experience and good practices, etc. The project proposal is based on the implementation of a synergistic set of activities, fully consistent with the nature of the PA 10 Programme and the main and specific objectives of the procedure “Youth Centers – a Powerful Factor for Local Development” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 – 2021. All the interventions and activities envisaged in the project are based on the horizontal principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development.
Grant amount: 1 050 077 EUR
Contact: Dimitria Todorova-Andonova
phone: +359 896 610968
address: 1, Stefan Stambolov Sq. 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria