
NEW REPORT: The definition of energy poverty in Bulgaria – content and applications with an emphasis on highly vulnerable and marginalized groups

Bulgaria is in the final stages of adopting an official definition of energy poverty, but there is a risk that its use for the purpose of energy renovation of buildings will be done in a way that will not prioritize the energy poor and may even lead to an increase in energy inequality.

Effects of the introduction of a definition of energy poverty and related social protection mechanisms on representatives of vulnerable groups with an emphasis on the Roma

What needs to be done to reduce energy poverty? What should a good (well-functioning) definition of energy poverty include in order to have a maximally beneficial societal effect? Does what we know about the definition to be adopted meet the criteria for a well-functioning definition of energy poverty? Are there groups of vulnerable energy users who may remain outside the scope of the definition of energy poverty and, accordingly, of energy poverty countermeasures?

PAPER: Key findings from the discussions on “Building and sustaining trust in vaccines and vaccination in Roma communities”

Despite the large amount of ideas presented for possible actions to increase vaccination against Covid-19, the overall model for action that emerged from the aggregate suggestions of the participants cannot solve the vaccination problem, but it does provide guidance: 1) which are the problem areas; 2) for which activities there is no appropriate initiator and therefore, although theoretically necessary, they cannot be implemented or it is currently unknown how they can be initiated; 3) for which activities recommendations have been made to specific actors, but they have shown no willingness or initiative to implement them and it is currently unknown who can prompt them to do so.

Building and maintaining trust in vaccines and vaccination in Roma communities

During the discussion Open Society Institute – Sofia has presented the report: “Attitudes towards vaccines and vaccination against Covid-19 in five Roma communities in Bulgaria” The following topics were discussed 1) Measures and specific activities (steps) to maintain and (build) trust in existing vaccines, vaccination which is recommended and encouraged by health authorities and 2) Campaign to build trust and promote healthy behavior.