Education, active citizenship

Project: “The cultural world reaches everyone”

The project envisages the formation of five creative studios in each settlement. These will include: theatre, oratory and poetry, music and stage dance, design and scenography, photography and applied arts. Participants in the workshops will learn various techniques and materials to prepare for stage sets, costumes, recitation of poems, theater sketches, solfege, ethnic and folk songs.

Project: “Children for the Rights of the Child”

The main goal of the project is to develop innovative solutions for teaching children about their right to express and defend their opinions on issues that affect them. Association “Chance and Protection” also aims to develop its capacity to educate children about their right to participate, to study the effect of applying innovative approaches and to disseminate them.

Project:”Knowledge of Human Rights”

The project envisages activities to raise the awareness of young people/school students, teachers and the media about human rights followed by youth campaigns, debates and social media campaigns carried out based on the knowledge acquired.

Project “Mentoring for inclusion”

The educational boarding school “Hristo Botev” is the only specialized educational institution for girls in the country, accommodated under the Law on antisocial behaviour of minors. Both the teachers and educators there are trying to overcome the social stigma on the girls who are housed there.